George Hurd

Kinetech Featured Artist Presentation

In May 2015 I gave a talk at Kinetech Arts in San Francisco about a new project of mine called Echolocation, focusing on my process of composing music built around geographically-specific sounds samples I collect. These pieces use recorded sounds I capture on my travels that are unique to a particular location. The result is a series of electro-acoustic and purely electronic pieces based on my recent travels around Europe – Oslo, Munich, rural Bavaria, Rome, Lisbon, Porto, Seville, Tangier, Brussels, Antwerp, and Amsterdam – mining from the memories and inspiration I found there as well as the enormous number of field recordings I recorded and am weaving through each piece. The project is available as a subscription-based Bandcamp release where you, the listeners, support the project by subscribing to it, receiving a new piece of music every 4-6 weeks along with writing, photos and videos detailing how and where each piece was written.

The video below is the full talk recorded and broadcast by Talk Bubble TV, filmed at SAFEhouse Arts, San Francisco.

Learn more about Echolocation HERE.Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 1.31.41 AM



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